Horse Club
Sofia didn’t choose the Andalusian mare Blossom. It was the other way round! The horse gently nudged Sofia with her nose while she was daydreaming, causing her to fall to the ground three times in a row. Sofia loves Blossom for the way that she brings her back to the here and now, and spends every spare minute with the mare.
Hannah is a passionate western rider. The first time she met the five-year-old gelding Cayenne, when she was mucking out the stables, he was very skittish. Hannah sang to him in her gentle voice, and it didn’t take long before Cayenne calmed down. Since then, they have been inseparable friends.
Lisa is a talented showjumper and has won more medals than anyone else in Lakeside. Hannah’s father believes that she has what it takes to compete in the Olympics. Whenever she takes a break from her ambitious training, Lisa is always on the lookout for adventure. Fortunately, she can rely on Storm – anytime, anywhere.