I Got This! Game Challenge
2017 Parents' Choice Award Winner - Silver
Get ready to bounce, toss, balance, roll, hop, and laugh!
It's up to you to match your confidence with your competence as you lay it all on the line to prove you can complete the challenges and rack up the most points over nine rounds of play.
The first player rolls the die and then reads aloud the corresponding challenge card. "Flick the button through the ring!"
First, everyone marks a check by the number of points they want to try and win.
Feeling confident? Check nine points. Not so much? Check one point. Feeling like you can conquer the world? Why not play the I Got This card to double your potential points?
Once all the scorecards are marked - Start flicking, tossing, balancing, measuring, guestimating, or whatever else the challenge entails.
Successfully complete the challenge? Woohoo! You get to circle the number you marked and keep it as points at the end of the game!
Things didn't go quite as planned? You'll have to cross out that number and cut your losses - OR, if you're convinced all you need is just one more try, you COULD use your Do Over card.
But be careful! You can only use it once!
Keep on playing through the nine rounds of ego-humbling challenges. Once every number on everyone's cards is either circled or crossed out, add up your points and announce your scores.
The player with the most points wins!
Fun, funny, and challenging in ways you've never imagined, I Got This is sure to become an instant family game night favorite.
I Got This!